Co-production: Putting principles into practice in mental health contexts

By Cath Roper, Flick Grey & Emma Cadogan          [Download Resource]


‘This resource seeks to explain what co-production is, how it is important, how it is different to other participatory approaches, and specific considerations for mental health and similar contexts in which extreme power differentials are likely to have been experienced by co-production partners. It offers advice on establishing the culture and mindsets from which co-production can take place. It is a resource that we hope will influence approaches to mental health work, policy development, and consumer participation’


Key Content Areas:

  • What is co-production?
  • Co-production: core principles
  • Power
  • Bringing co-production partners together
  • Co-production in practice – case studies


The most important part of co-production is shifting mindsets and establishing a culture that embraces exploration and learning, and genuinely values consumer knowledge and expertise      …      Non-consumer partners may need support to position themselves as learners and consumer partners may need support to position themselves as leaders within co-production groups.